Your Healing Begins Here

Reiki Hypnosis Alternative Healing Spiritual Awakening

Welcome to my healing space. My name is aki

Spiritual Awakening is a beautiful process. You are about to experience your soul ascension, and I’m here to show you how to start a spiritual journey. You are ready to explore your powerful, profound soul awakening and ascension.

I have a gift for you, an “Insight & Inspiration” session ($80 Value). In this session, I want you to tell me what’s going on, what you want in life, what the challenges are, and I’ll share some valuable information about how you can achieve your dreams and goals step by step. I’d love to meet you, learn about you, and find out how I can support you.

Heal from within

I want to share my story with you.

After being suicidal for over 40 years,

I have found my purpose in life.


On my spiritual journey,

I was helped by so many souls.

It’s my turn to help you.

You have suffered long enough.

No one, absolutely no one, deserves to suffer alone.

It’s time for you to heal.

Release the pain that rips your heart.

Release the loneliness that darkens your heart.

Turn your tears of sadness into tears of joy.

You deserve it.

I can guide you to the beautiful profound spiritual awakening and ascension.

One day you look back the path you treaded,

and you’ll find all the tears you shed beautifully shining for you.


Healing is your BIRTHRIGHT.

Let your soul’s journey begin.

One breath at a time

If the pain is so much and breathing has become so hard,

I will breathe with you.


Know that you are not alone anymore.


Below is a guided meditation (11 min).

You will experience the most beautiful relaxation and profound spiritual moment.

One Breath at A Time

*By clicking above, you are agreeing to not listen to this recording
while driving or operating any machinery.

HEALING - Your Choice & Your Path

Find out here, HEALING PAGE, about what modality works best for you.
Below are some suggestions you may want to explore and find your true self.

Guided by a certified hypnotherapist, you will find the cause of the problem and reprogram your mind to embrace your authentic self. Experience the power of RTT Hypnotherapy and start your spiritual awakening!
Inner Child Healing
Your certified hypnotherapist will guide you to find the cause of the problem using RTT Hypnotherapy and reprogram your mind to make yourself super fertile.
Using RTT Hypnotherapy program, your certified hypnotherapist will guide you to find the cause of the issue and you will liberate with the power of forgiveness.
Hypnosis as anger intervention. The best anger management program with a certified hypnotherapist. Find the cause and release it with RTT Hypnotherapy program.
Anger and Rage
Spiritual guidance from reiki healer. Ask about reiki, energy healing, spiritual awakening, Hypnotherapy, hypnosis, Past life regression, akashic records, book of life, and spiritual guidance.
Spiritual Ascension & Awakening