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The Akashic Records are also called Book of Life or Akasha Records. It is a book about life. But, first, I want you to know that the Akasha Records are energetic records in the highest spiritual realm, and they are guarded by ascended masters. We will access your Book of Life energetically and this is how you receive Akashic Reading.
In your Book of Life, you can find all the information about you since the inception of your soul. Yes, not only in this lifetime, but you can find all about your soul’s journey. Hence, you can learn about your past lives as well.
As ascended masters guard the Akasha Records, your Records are not just available to anybody. But, once I receive your permission, I will open your Akasha Records and download the divine guidance and messages for you. This is how you receive Akashic healing.
First, I want you to know that you’ll remain awake throughout the records reading. You may close your eyes or keep them open. Sometimes, ascended masters suggest closing your eyes so you can relax easily and go deeper to connect with your thoughts and feelings. It is very relaxing, and you’ll be in your sacred space.
Now, I want you to imagine that you are in the most beautiful space, and you are ready to receive divine advice and guidance from the ascended masters. The masters are non-judgmental, and they know all about your soul’s journey. They have the very best interest in your spiritual growth, success, and happiness, and they are ready to give you support, wisdom, and love.
All you need to do is ask and be open to receiving. Masters will often give you questions so you can dive deeper and explore the ideas and feelings. By the end of the session, you’ll feel very calm, supported, encouraged, and ready to move forward with clarity.
There are so many profound benefits you can receive from reading the Books of Life. Below are some examples you can ask for. If you have something more in mind, please contact us with any questions.
You are ready to receive the Book of Life Reading and free yourself from the issue!