!!! Manifestation !!!

Hypnosis for Manifestation

Here is The Best Manifestation Techniques.

You are about to learn the Best Manifestation Techniques.

Do you know you have a magician within you?
And the magician is ready to manifest your dreams and goals.
I’d like to share the easy 3 steps for manifestation with you.
When you set your mind for manifestation under deep healing hypnosis, it is incredibly POWERFUL!!

Manifestation is 3 easy steps.

Set a clear intention. Know what you want

1. Set a clear intention.

  • Know what you want and write it down.
  • Let the Universe know what it is that you want.
  • Visualize yourself feeling fantastic with the manifested goal.
Manifestation is a co-creation with the Universe. Do your responsibility

2. Do your part.

  • Know what needs to be done to reach your goal.
  • Keep working on your responsibilities.
  • Believe in yourself.
RTT Hypnotherapy Program Details 4 Reinforcing the great transformation

3. Get out of your way.

  • Remember that you are co-creating with the Universe.
  • Check your energy. Is it free and trusting? Or, tight and doubtful?
  • Thank the Universe and be greateful!

I can help you manifest your dreams and goals
by using the phenomenal power of the mind!!

With RTT Hypnotherapy program, you can manifest your dreams and goals. Guided by a certified hypnotherapist, aki Energy Healer

You have the ability to create your own reality. The Universe is ready to co-create with you, and the Universe is waiting to hear from you. Your dreams, goals, wishes, and hopes. Whatever you desire, it is yours to claim. So, let it roll into your life!

Let's manifest the life you dream!!

I’m here to help you manifest the life you desire and deserve. Please request CONTACT, and I will reach out to you. Or, receive a gift of an “Insight & Inspiration” ($80 value). HEAL & HEALED offers you more to explore your spiritual, holistic healing opportunities. Below are some suggestions for you. Please let me know what resonates with you.

Your certified hypnotherapist will guide you to find the cause of the problem using RTT Hypnotherapy and reprogram your mind to make yourself super fertile.
Guided by a certified hypnotherapist, you will find the cause of the problem and reprogram your mind to embrace your authentic self. Experience the power of RTT Hypnotherapy and start your spiritual awakening!
Inner Child Healing
This is a life-changing weight loss hypnotherapy program. It's natural, holistic, and alternative. Lose weight fast and reprogram your mind to love healthy food and stay healthy!
Weight Loss Hypnosis
HEAL & HEALED offers past life regression. Guided by the best past life regression therapist, aki energy healer certified hypnotherapist.
Past Life Regression
HEAL & HEALED offers Akashic Records reading that is sacred and spiritual. Akashic records are also called book of life.
Akashic Records Reading
Using the power of RTT Hypnotherapy program, find the cause of the problem and find love of life. The session is lead by a certified hypnotherapist.
Love Relationship

Why is hypnosis so effective?

We do what we do because of the programs. Logic vs Emotion: Emotions is always stronger, and here is the reason. 95% of the time, it’s our program that is dictating how we react, behave, and feel. Up until 7 years old, most of the time the brain is in Theta mode which is a state of programming and hypnosis. This means that what we saw, heard, and perceived went straight to the subconscious and, therefore, our perceptions became our program by “natural” hypnosis.

Beliefs, Paradigms, and Programs

After 12 years old, the brain enters Beta mode which is a state of focus, alert, and awareness. When the brain is in Beta, the conscious mind blocks the gate to the subconscious, and the programs we accepted long ago (beliefs and paradigms) are now locked in and dominate our behaviors and emotions. Consequently, if we have positive beliefs, we have positive perceptions to our experiences. But if negative, then our perceptions are also negative, which leads us to negative behaviors and emotions. 

How does hypnosis help you?

Under a deep healing hypnosis, you’ll be totally relaxed and comfortable. In this hypnotic state, your conscious mind drifts away and opens the gate to the subconscious where all the programs are kept. Now, you’re able to access the programs (the root cause of the issue)  and then change them in a way they serve you well. We often call this process “reprogramming” or “rewiring.” Once you do this under hypnosis, you’ll feel a big difference. You’ll experience the  transformational internal shift, and this is the power of hypnosis.

Is hypnosis safe?

Yes, most definitely. Hypnosis is a totally relaxed state and you remain awake. In fact, you get in hypnotic state everyday. Hypnosis is a safe, natural, alternative, and holistic approach to resolving issues. At HEAL & HEALED, you’ll have a thorough Intake period where you tell me exactly what you’d like to release, gain, believe, and achieve. You decide what beliefs you’d like to believe. During hypnosis, you are in absolute control. So, experience the power of hypnosis and change your life in a way you desire!